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December 01, 2017 1 min read

Early in the life of a fashion design entrepreneur, a breakthrough moment is significant in its ability to connect and resonate with customers. We were fortunate to see one of our first designs - The Military Dress - become a bestseller and help to establish our brand identity. 

As with many great things, the Military Dress was born out of a challenge – in 2015, when The Ladymaker was still an idea taking shape, Ezinne Chinkata commissioned us to create a special look for her using a gorgeous Vlisco Pret-a-Creer fabric. The Pret-a-Creer is a pre-selected combination of two yards each of two complimentary fabrics. I have always loved a ‘utilitarian’ theme in fashion, and thought it would be fascinating to juxtapose utility with femininity and prints, and the Military Dress in its first incarnation was born.

When The Ladymaker launched formally in 2016 with our first mini collection, The Military Dress was one of our key pieces, with a few adjustments to the neckline and length to make it as versatile as possible. 

Due to popular demand, the Military dress has featured in other collections, and is an enduring customer favourite.  

Military Camp

Military Camp

Military Camp